Wednesday, October 26, 2005


So I've really been struggling with one of my flatmates. This person is possibly the most internally insecure person in our flat, yet outwardly portrays him/herself as a self-confident, intelligent being. In my humble opinion, this person is the most egotistical person I've encountered since the last time I stepped into the local Republican support group (j/k).

In any case, I find this person extraordinarily rude, annoying, and not unlike me a few years ago. I like to think that I've overcome the hurdle of arguing with anyone about everything. I've learned to that Christ was not only our Saviour, but the Prince of Peace for a reason. I need to practice peace. But it's really difficult when someone is constantly attacking you everytime you open your mouth! It's non-stop rampage! And my efforts of avoiding him this person up being bouts of ignoring the person, which I believe irks the person even more. The person believes that by arguing and "winning" every argument, he/she justified him/herself.

So I went in a read a friend's xanga and to my surprise, found a very apt verse that would lift my spirits. It was the verse referring to God's use of using the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise. And while I believe that this person is very far from wise, I think that using peace and meekness is much more powerful than hostility. It is much more difficult to hold your tongue and keep your disagreements within, than to constantly harangue everyone around you to show them your superior knowledge.

Thus, I'm glad that God has taught me this lesson. Showing me what a foolish person I was, and what a foolish person I still am. But that I still have the ability to change, and that change should be more amazing than anything.


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