Friday, October 28, 2005

halloween party

So i usually don't go to halloween parties, since they're all rather anti-christian and such. However, one of my crew buddies wrangled me into it, and i couldn't resist. i really haven't met as many Churchers as i want too.

So all of my flatmates refused to join me (including my fellow Christ Church members) and I didn't have any form of a costume. Maria, my crew buddy, was going as Puck from Midsummer Night's Dream. So i immediately though of Huckleberry Finn, because it rhymes with Puck.

I arrived about an hour early, and maria helped me dress as Huck, although it was rather sad and funny at the same time. I met her friends, Alex and...opps i forgot the other name. They happened to be amazingly drunk. Maria, who by the way has the most amazing ability to handle alcohol, downed a substantial amount of vodka and wine before we all headed off to the party. She acted stone cold sober the entire night, it was such an impressive feat. i wish i could do that after that much alcohol.

mind you now, i didn't drink anything b/c i want to go running in the morning, which is looking v. dim indeed as it is already midnight here.

So i met sooo many people that i've already forgotten the majority of their names, and i met this v. interesting scot from exeter (tolkein!), who i quite fancied but sadly he disappeared after awhile.

the highlight of the night was finding another group of v. sober people and one of them was a girl interested in joining the boat club. the ChCh boat club is such a sorority for me. it's terrible, it's really my only form of socializing. but i'm soo hooked!

anyhoo, that's my first official party b/c i haven't been to a bop of any kind thus far.


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