Monday, October 31, 2005

P and P

so finally saw the new Pride and Prejudice, and can i say i have enormous respect for kiera knightley now?

she basically does the film by herself. everyone else was just a supporting role! amazing acting and just overall claps for kiera! yay, i finally can love all the rest of the films you're in b/c up until now i've basically detested you.

saw it with sarah walton (amazingly nice person who is reading english) and mike the medic.

it was much fun, and i also went to a uganda meeting today so i might be going to uganda for easter holiday for five weeks and working for straight-talk, an organization that teaches young people how to prevent the spread of HIV in Africa. I really want to do this, so everyone please pray/contribute/support me for this. I'm v. excited that this opportunity has literally fallen into my lap. so i'm hoping that the monetary issues/time issues will work out for me.


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